Reports and Analysis

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Making Women And Girls Visible: Gender Data Gaps And Why They Matter

Gaps in gender data and the lack of trend data make it difficult to monitor progress for women and girls. Unless gender is mainstreamed into national statistical strategies and prioritized in data collection, gender data scarcity and gaps will persist. Investment in national statistical capacity is central to improving the coverage, quality and timeliness of data for monitoring gender equality and the SDGs.

Gender Equality In The 2030 Agenda : Gender-Responsive Water And Sanitation Systems

Currently, 2.1 billion people lack safely managed drinking water and 4.5 billion lack safely managed sanitation services. When safe drinking water is not available on household premises, the burden of water collection and treatment falls largely on the shoulders of women and girls. The lack of safe sanitation and hygiene facilities at home may expose them to illness, harassment and violence—hampering their ability to learn, earn an income and move around freely. Where household members fall sick due to water-borne illnesses, it is mainly women and girls who provide the much-needed care.

Inclusive System Evaluation For Gender Equality, Environments And Marginalized Voices (ISE4FEMs)

The interconnectedness and indivisibility of the 2030 Agenda and the realities of the world in which we work require us to deal with complexity at an unprecedented scale. As such, we need to identify, understand and develop appropriate ways of applying systems thinking to collectively define and address the challenges that we confront. We need to think across and beyond one area of expertise or mandate and to understand how our actions contribute to the overall United Nations objectives.

Innovation For Gender Equality

Achieving the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – and notably the goal on gender equality and women’s empowerment – requires transformative shifts, integrated approaches and new solutions. Based on current trajectories, existing efforts will not suffice to achieve a Planet 50-50 by 2030.

Policies And Practice : A Guide For Gender-Responsive Implementation Of The Global Compact For Migration

The Policies and Practice Guide is an online tool providing policy makers and practitioners with concrete guidance on how to ensure that the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) is gender- responsive by addressing the specific needs, challenges and situations of vulnerability faced by women and girls at all stages of migration, while taking into consideration the multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination they may face.

Gender Equality And Inclusive Growth : Economic Policies to Achieve Sustainable Development

More than 75 per cent of the world’s population lives in societies that are more unequal today than 20 years ago. In many parts of the world, income gaps have deepened despite impressive growth performances. The sharpest increases in income inequality have taken place in those developing countries that were especially successful in pursuing vigorous growth and managed, as a result, to graduate into higher income brackets.1 Economic progress may well exacerbate inequalities, not alleviate them.