2017 Evaluation Annual Report: UN Women Independent Evaluation Service

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Global Evaluation Strategy 2018-2021. In 2017, the UN Women Executive Board endorsed UN Women’s new Strategic Plan 2018-2021. To contribute to its successful
implementation, the UN Women’s Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) developed its new Global Evaluation Strategy for 2018-2021.

The Global Evaluation Strategy 2018-2021 articulates the strategic direction of UN Women’s evaluation function and its objectives to support the Entity’s efforts to achieve gender equality and empower women and girls. It outlines how UN Women will leverage its evaluation function to provide evaluative evidence for greater impact on the lives of the women and girls it serves. The strategy sets out five strategic areas of work:


  1. implementing effective corporate evaluation systems;
  2. implementing effective decentralized evaluation systems;
  3. promoting United Nations coordination on gender-responsive evaluation;
  4. strengthening national evaluation capacities for gender-responsive monitoring and evaluation systems; and
  5. strengthening evaluation use.

Meanwhile, the Corporate Evaluation Plan provides a time-bound framework within which useful evaluation evidence is generated systematically on work performance under the UN Women Strategic Plan 2018-2021.
The Evaluation Strategy emphasizes the following key priorities:

  1. improving use of gender-responsive evaluation by UN Women and its partners for learning and strategic decision-making;
  2. providing timely and relevant evaluative evidence on UN Women’s contribution to development and organizational effectiveness and efficiency results; and
  3. increasing demand and conduct of gender responsive evaluations to support accountability for gender-equality commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and beyond.