Reports and Analysis

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The Empowerment Of Women And Girls With Disabilities

UN Women’s Strategy: The Empowerment of Women and Girls with Disabilities –
Towards Full and Effective Participation and Gender Equality was developed to ensure a more systematic approach to strengthen the inclusion of the rights of women and girls with disabilities in UN Women’s efforts to achieve gender equality, empowerment of all women and girls, and the realization of their rights.

Violence Against Women in Politics

UN Women, the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights (OHCHR) and the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences (Special Rapporteur or SRVAW), in collaboration with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), co-organized an Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on Violence Against Women in Politics (VAWP) on March 8 and 9, 2018 in New York.

The SDGs And Feminist Movement Building

The contours and effectiveness of all social organizing, including feminist mobilization, at any level—local, national, regional or global—depend on three key drivers: (i) issues and environment; (ii) institutions; and (iii) the processes of movement building. These drivers often have very different antecedents in a particular context. Hence, their effects may be synergistic, working to amplify the impact of each, or they may be at odds with each other and work at cross-purposes.

United Nations Development Assistance Framework For Nepal 2013-2017

The first year of the implementation of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) 2013 – 2017 in Nepal was marked by the relatively peaceful conduct of the long anticipated second Constituent Assembly (CA) elections in November. Upon the announcement of the elections date in June, interest and energy of policy makers gradually became more focused on this landmark event, rather than on the development agenda.

Addressing violence and harassment against women in the world of work

Everyone has the right to live and work free from violence and harassment. In spite of this,
violence and harassment against women in the world of work is present in all jobs, occupations
and sectors of the economy in all countries across the world. Some women are disproportionately
affected by violence and harassment because of their employment status, the type of
work they carry out, or because of the conditions in the sector that they work in.

Towards Planet 50:50: Enabling Women’s Leadership And Representation in Local Governance

Women are significantly underrepresented in political and electoral processes everywhere in the world – be it as voters, candidates, elected representatives, or electoral administrators. Women’s political empowerment and equal access to leadership positions at all levels are fundamental to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a more equal world.

A Common Framework for Gender Equality & Social Inclusion (English)

This framework was developed to help build a common understanding between Development Partners (DPs) regarding gender equality and social inclusion. Nepal has achieved significant progress in addressing these issues, supported by positive national and international commitments. However, a large proportion of Nepal’s population continues to be affected by discrimination. A more coherent approach among DPs will ensure further coordinated collective support to the Government of Nepal.