Jajarkot Earthquake Impact Monitoring Dashboard

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A magnitude 6.4M earthquake struck Karnali Province in western Nepal at around 11.47 p.m. local time (UTC 6.02 p.m.) on 3 November 2023, with several aftershocks occurring thereafter. The epicentre was in Ramidanda in Jajarkot District, some 65 kilometres northeast of Surkhet, the capital city of Karnali Province. This is the largest earthquake to impact Nepal since the 7.3M earthquake in 2015, and it is the latest in a series of earthquakes to hit western Nepal in the past year; Jajarkot, Doti, Bajura, Bajhang, Darchula, Achham and Dolpa are among the districts in western Nepal affected by various earthquakes since November 2022. The impact of this latest earthquake is thus compounding the difficulties and vulnerabilities of communities still recovering from previous shocks, in areas where low socio-economic indicators and stretched coping mechanisms were already prevalent.

Jajarkot Earthquake:- 5W Dashboard (site under development)

Jajarkot Earthquake:- Satellite image derived assessment dashboard

The dashboard below is created with the support from UNOSAT in coordination with UNOCHA ROAP. This dashboard presents preliminary Satellite-derived damage assessment due to the earthquake. 


For more product on satellite-based assessment:

For more information:

Please contact: Ragindra Man Rajbhandari [email protected]