Reports and Analysis

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UNDP Nepal Youth Strategy 2018-2022

This Youth Strategy is intended to serve as a guideline for UNDP Nepal in identifying key entry points for systematic and coordinated action to support youth empowerment, effective advocacy and mainstreaming of youth issues, policy development, technical and programmatic partnerships, youth-related research and knowledge management, and impact assessment. Importantly, the three main pillars or outcomes that hold up the strategy are perfectly aligned with the outcomes of UNDP’s Country Programme 2018-2022.

Five Years of Engagement in Pictures (2013-2017)

This photo book captures and presents some of the defining moments of UNDP’s programming in Nepal from 2013 to 2017 as a tribute to the dedication of many Nepalis from all over the country in all walks of life who made our interventions impactful. While it does not present a comprehensive picture of the programme and its achievements, we hope this book will provide a quick peek into what we did in the past five years

Contingency Plan 2018: Monsoon Floods and Landslides

Every year, during the monsoon period of June to September, communities in the Terai face heightened risk of flooding. Such risks can lead to immediate humanitarian suffering, they can exacerbate pre-crisis vulnerabilities and erode development gains.

The recurrent nature of monsoon related flooding and the potential humanitarian needs they can bring about requires the HCT to undertake focused preparedness planning.

Contingency Plan 2017: Monsoon Floods and Landslides

Every year, during the monsoon period of June to September, communities in the Terai and Hill areas of Nepal are exposed to increased levels of flood and landslide risk. Such risks can lead to immediate humanitarian suffering; they can exacerbate pre-crisis vulnerabilities and erode development gains.

The recurrent nature of monsoon related flooding and landslides and the potential humanitarian needs they can bring about requires the HCT to undertake focused preparedness planning.

Contingency Plan 2016: Nepal Floods

Nepal continues to struggle from the combined effects of a chronic food insecurity and undernutrition, high rates of poverty and political transition following the 10-year conflict. In April and May 2015, Nepal was hit by two major earthquakes. The Kathmandu Valley and parts of the mid-hill areas remain subject to aftershocks. Every year, between June and September, flooding and landslide in the Terai and Hills respectively warrants increased preparedness by the Government and the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT).

National Report: Sustainable Development Goals For Nepal, 2016-2030, Nepal Planning Commission, Government of Nepal

Sustainable Development agenda has come in global discussion since more than two decades. The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) based on Millennium Declaration as agreed in the year 2000 by the United Nations (UN) and committed to be achieved by 2015 have been the foundation of the proposed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030. Formally discussed at UN Conference on Sustainable Development held in Rio in June 2012, and in UN General Assembly (UNGA) in September 2014, the proposed SDGs are being negotiated and agreed in the UNGA in September 2015.

National Review of Sustainable Development Goals 2017

In 2015, Nepal joined other members of the United Nations in adopting the global sustainable development (SDGs) goals that follow the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as the international development targets. This report gives the preliminary findings of a review of the enabling environment, institutional mechanisms, systems to generate evidences if its periodic achievements, challenges ahead, progress and preparation for effectively implementing SDGs friendly intervention in Nepal. The review was carried out through a consultative process.