Reports and Analysis

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Ending Impunity for Child Marriage in Nepal

Child marriage affects both boys and the girls, however, it disproportionately affects girls’ ability to enjoy their rights and freedoms, especially due to the serious risks of sexual and reproductive harms associated with this practice. Child marriage triggers a continuum of reproductive and sexual harms and violations by exposing girls to forced initiation into sex and unprotected sex, as well as early, unplanned, and frequent pregnancies.

Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) Round 6 Report

We are happy to announce that the sixth Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) report is a vailable now online. The DTM report is produced by the International Organization for Migration in its role as Camp Coordination and Camp Management Cluster Lead Agency. The DTM monitors the status and location of displaced populations in temporary displacement sites, gathering information about humanitarian needs and gaps of persons displaced by the earthquake. The data is collected primarily through key informant interviews, observations, and small group discussions with men, women and children.

National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan 2015-2020

This National Family Planning Costed Implementation Plan outlines national stragefies and interventions that Nepal must adopt to ensure that high quality family planning serves are available and accessible to all Nepali people as well as the respirces reqired to realize this vision. This document is prepared by the Family Health Division under the Ministry of Health with technical and financial support of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund.

Report of Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review

The Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review, established in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 5/1, held its twenty-third session from 2 to 13 November 2015. The review of Nepal was held at the 6th meeting on 4 November 2015. The delegation of Nepal was headed by the Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Kamal Thapa. At its 10th meeting, held on 6 November 2015, the Working Group adopted the report on Nepal.

Management of Obstetric Fistula for Health Care Providers: Learners' Guide

Obstetric fistula is a devastating child birth injury that has been severely neglected, despite the traumatizing impact it has on the lives of affected women and girls. This publication is intended for learners, facilitators and supervisors to be completed using an on-the-job training approach either in their workplaces or in different facilities. With the training package, service providers are expected to have comprehensive knowledge about obstetric fistula on how to provide quality care.

IOM Nepal Earthquakes Response - 6 Months

On 25 April and 12 May 2015, devastating earthquakes measuring 7.8 and 7.3 Richter killed at least 8,790 people and destroyed 498,852 houses across Nepal. Together with local communities, humanitarian organizations and the Government of Nepal, the International Organization of Migration (IOM) launched relief activities to meet the needs of those affected. Amid terrible disaster and suffering, the strength, solidarity and resilience of the people of Nepal was clear.