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Nepal Human Development Report 2020

Nepal has been publishing the Nepal Human Development Report since 1998, with the focus shifting considering the needs of the country. The last Nepal Human Development Report in 2014 focused mainly on the human capability approach to development. Since then, profound changes have occurred in the political, economic, social and governance spheres. With the promulgation of the new Constitution in 2015 and its successive enforcement, the country has moved to a federated political system with three levels of government.

Response to Gender based Violence in the COVID-19 context in Nepal

Disease outbreaks affect women and men differently, and epidemics make existing inequalities for women and girls, and discrimination of other marginalized groups such as persons with disabilities and those in extreme poverty, worse. Furthermore, crises and times of unrest have been linked to increased incidence of violence against women and children, and the COVID-19 pandemic is not an exception.

Gender Equality Update-24: COVID-19 Initiative by Gender in Humanitarian Task Team(GIHA TT) Members

During the COVID-19 pandemic, civil society organizations (CSOs) in Nepal are closely monitoring and responding to the emerging health and socio-economic needs of communities on the ground. This Gender Equality Update focuses on the COVID-19 response of four CSOs and women’s networks that are part of the Gender in Humanitarian Action Task Team (GiHA TT) chaired by UN Women. It highlights their valuable efforts to promote and protect the rights of the most excluded and vulnerable groups in Nepal during these unprecedented times.

The Toolkit for Developing Legislation and Policies on Gender-based Violence against Women and Girls in Nepal

The Toolkit for Developing Legislation and Policies on Gender-based Violence against Women and Girls in Nepal was finalised in March 2020 and provides guidance for the development, adoption, and effective. implementation of comprehensive and human-rights-centred legislation and policies to end gender-based violence against women and girls (GBVAWG).

Nepal COVID Food Security Report (September 2020)

The second round of the mVAM Household Survey conducted in August 2020 shows food insecurity across the country has decreased slightly compared to April 2020, however it remains higher than 4 years ago. The survey found that 20.2 percent of households had inadequate food consumption and 4.7 percent of households had poor dietary diversity. Overall, 11.8 percent of households adopted at least one negative coping strategy to address food shortages and about 6.7 percent of households reported that the food they had in stock was insufficient to meet their needs.