Inter Agency IT Task Force

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Harmonization and simplification of the UN Operational activities, reduction in duplication of works and attainment of UN System-wide coherence both in progarmme and operations are some of the important elements of the UN Reform. In achieving the above goals in the Country Offices, UNDG(United Nations Development Group) has formulated a functional governance mechanism for the UN RC(United Nations Resident Coordination) System and UNCT(United Nations Country Team). This has been widely adopted by many COs. Inter-Agency Information Technology Task Forces(IAITTF) are integral part of the Governance Mechanism and this falls at the third level in the hierarchy – UNCT at the top, Operations Management Team(OMT) at the middle and then the task forces. Within UN Nepal governance structure, the IAITTF coordination is provided by a Secretariat consisting chairperson and vice chairperson.

Inter-Agency Information Technology Task Forces (IAITTF)

The IAITTF plays a crucial role within this governance structure. Positioned at the third level of the hierarchy—below the UNCT and the Operations Management Team (OMT)—the IAITTF focuses on information communication technology (ICT) matters like purpose, objectives, and membership:


The IAITTF serves as an advisory committee to the OMT, specifically in the realm of ICT. Its primary function is to facilitate the implementation of the OMT’s work plan.


  • Technical Recommendations and Advice: The IAITTF provides technical recommendations and advice to the OMT, addressing specific tasks assigned to enhance operational efficiency.
  • Harmonization and Simplification: It assists the OMT in streamlining policies, procedures, and practices wherever feasible, aiming to reduce duplication of efforts and policy inconsistencies across agencies.
  • Inter-Agency Collaboration: By fostering collaboration, the IAITTF ensures that issues of mutual concern are addressed collectively, promoting coherence within the UN system.
  • Assessment and Joint Response: The task force assesses ongoing UN operations, identifying shared concerns that require a unified response from all agencies.
  • Technical Expertise and Knowledge Sharing: Beyond its advisory role, the IAITTF serves as a technical network. It builds expertise among its members and other specialized UN staff working in similar technical fields.


  • The task force membership is open to all agencies which are members of the UNCT;
  • Each UN agency shall appoint one member to substantially contribute to the technical/functional areas of IAITTF
  • Agencies shall nominate members by end of Nov every year;
  • The OMT, through its Chair, will officially inform respective direct supervisors and head of agencies of this nomination.